Hi I’m Alan Culler
I’m a writer.
I am new to calling myself a writer.
When I was very young I wanted to be an actor, using my voice, my body, my understanding of a character, to tell a story.
Then I became a booking agent for celebrity speakers, helping them sell their stories.
Then I became a consultant, helping leaders and companies change, to rewrite their stories.
During most of this time, I wrote down stories, (and some songs). Now I’m sharing them.
Please subscribe to Wisdom from Unusual Places, my blog of recent writing
Published by Unusual Wisdom Press, my first book Traveling the Consulting Road: Career Wisdom for New Consultants, Candidates and Their Mentors is now available in many places:
From your choice of eBook retailers here.
Also in print from Amazon and Barnes & Noble here or
Direct from the publisher: Paperback here and Hardcover here. (US only for the moment).
You can also order print on demand copies globally through your local bookstore.
Wisdom from Unusual Places
Is one story (6-8 minute read) per week that will come to you by email.
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